What do students learn when they meet authors and illustrators? Read on to find the answer and view photos of three recent author/illustrator visit including Mo Willems.
On their second day, two groups diverged in the woods to discover and learn. Read about the expeditions of the two in a retooled Robert Frost poem.
Our seventh- and eighth-grade students and three teachers boarded a charter bus for Mt. Rainier Institute on Monday, 4 April 2022. A recount of their first day of adventure comes to us via a classic poem. Give ti a read!
What happens to light and color within the layers of the ocean? See what our Lower Elementary students learned about this and then view the photos to see learning in progress.
When students in Lower Elementary brought up concerns about the events in Ukraine, the Teachers and School Counselor stepped in to help them process it. Learn more and view photos of the students' work.
What is Holi and how is it celebrated? Read our post to learn about the festival and view the beautiful artwork created by our students in Lower Elementary.
With the weather cooperating, students had a packed fourth day at NatureBridge that included canoeing, humming, chanting, hiking, and much more! Read all about their adventures and view photos.
When the cold wind postponed their planned canoe trip, our sixth-grade students moved onward to new adventures in nature, the lab, and in their cabin. See what they did and watch the slideshow of photos.